Friday, July 4, 2008 

How to Create Interesting Textures

A lot of new age piano music consists of repeating patterns, or textures in the left hand while the right hand improvises a melody. This approach is really a good one! It frees you up to create in the moment. First you decide what chord or chords you'll be using in the left hand. You then create an ostinato or arpeggio that lays the foundation for the entire piece.

It's like the background a painter uses before the foreground is drawn in. In the case of music, the background would be the textural patterns in the left hand. Then the right hand comes in "to paint" in the rest of the picture - in this case, the improvised melody.

George Winston used this approach in the piece "Rain." First you get this beautiful textural background created exclusively by the left hand. He covers more than an octave with the left hand using the thumb to reach past and make the music sound fuller. Now, in this piece he uses only a few chords, but interest is maintained through the improvised melody. In my piece, Flashflood, from Anza-Borrego Desert Suite, I use the same technique.

I start by playing an ostinato in the left, than add in the melody in the right. I keep playing the ostinato for as long as my intuition says, "this sounds good," then add in some contrast, either by changing chords, or by adding in new material.

It's important to realize that complete textural backgrounds can be created using the left hand alone. In fact, entire pieces of music can and have been created using this very versatile approach. It's especially suited for new age music. So, here's a step-by-step procedure for creating textures:

1. Choose your chords - These can be triads, or Open Position Chords, or any chord structure

2. Create a pattern for your left hand

3. Improvise a melody with your right hand

Edward Weiss is a pianist/composer and webmaster of Quiescence Music's online piano lessons. He has been helping students learn how to play piano in the New Age style for over 14 years and works with students in private, in groups, and now over the internet. Visit now and get a FREE piano lesson!


How Musicians Can Use Podcasts to Publicize Their Music

As a musician, one of the best ways to start becoming successful in the music business is to build up a fan base.

You need to get your music out there so people can start listening to it and enjoying it. Publicizing your music is extremely important, and while ten years ago it may have been a difficult task, technology has afforded you some very simples ways to get started. One new way that you can start getting your music out there is by using a podcast. Podcasts are excellent ways that you can inexpensively and quickly get your music out there to the public, which is extremely important to your success as a musician.

What Exactly is a Podcast?

First of all, you may be wondering what exactly a podcast is. Basically, a podcast is a type of audio file that is usually created in a mp3 format, and after the file is created it can be uploaded to a server by way of Really Simple Syndication (RSS). You can put anything you want on this type of audio file, whether it is a type of radio show, or even clips of you performing your music. Once a podcast is uploaded onto the internet, it then allows people to use their computers with specialized software to download the file so they can listen to it on their own. They may be able to listen to it on their computer, an mp3 player, or even on their iPod as well. Even though the terms sound a bit technical, the process is an easy one that gives you a great new way to get your music out there to others.

How to Create a Podcast

Believe it or not, creating your own podcast is really quite simple. The following are five simple steps that can help you easily create your own music podcast.

1. Create the Content - The first thing you need to do is to create the audio content for your podcast. It really does not matter what type of platform you use when creating your audio content; however, it is important that you save it in the maximum quality possible so you have a great copy of what you have created. This is especially important when you are dealing with music.

2. Convert to MP3 - Once you have created your audio content for the podcast, you will need to convert the files to mp3 files, since they are the most used type of files for podcasting. When converting your audio files to mp3 files, you will probably want to use 128 stereo bit rate in order to get the best sound, since you are dealing with music, then save it as an mp3 file.

3. Upload the MP3 - After you have created your mp3 file, then you are ready to upload the file to the server. Once they are uploaded, be sure to test them to be sure that they are working.

4. Create the RSS File - Next you will need to create an RSS file, which will describe your pod cast and serve as the link to your mp3 file. You can use a text editor to create this file, and usually it is best to include the title of the file, the link, and a brief description of the file as well.

5. Publish the File - Once you have the RSS file created, just transfer it to your web server, and be sure to validate it using an RSS validator, which you can find online. If it works right, then you are ready to publish the RSS file.

Equipment You Will Need

In order to be able to do a pod cast, you will need to have the right equipment available. First of all you will need to have the right equipment available to suitably record your music. You may be able to purchase software for your computer to do this, or you may want to use a mixing board with a CD burner to do so. You can use computer software to edit your music and to change the levels to make sure that your music tracks sound the best as well. Also, you will need a program to help you convert your music into mp3 files, such a MusicMatch. More than likely, you will also need software that will help you upload your mp3 and RSS files as well.

Where You Can Send Your Completed Podcast

If you do not have your own place to put your podcasts, you can actually find free hosts that will allow you to upload your podcasts to their servers as well. Once you have finished your podcast and you have it online, there are a variety of directories that you can send it to in order to get some exposure. There are many available free directories that will help you with publicity so you can get your podcasts out there. Soon people will be listening to your music, and before you know it you may have a broad fan base all across the world due to using podcasting to publicize your music.

Duane Shinn is the author of the popular free 101-week online e-mail newsletter titled Amazing Secrets Of Exciting Piano Chords & Sizzling Chord Progressions- Intelligent Piano Lessons For Adults Only!/ with over 84,400 current subscribers.


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Music Videos Can Make Or Break a Song

I rarely watch TV, so I barely see music videos that always air on VH1 or MTV. So whenever I decide to watch a video on the Tube is because I heard it on the radio or because it might be a song by one of my favorite artists. I recently fell in love with Leona Lewis's song, 'Bleeding Love' and so one day I decided to watch her music video. I was excited and I already had a pretty good idea of what it was going to be like. Man, was I disappointed! I didn't expect the video to end up like that and in a way I lost my love for the song (Of course, I've gotten over it and I still like the song).

From the previous example, I noticed how much a music video has effect on a person like me. It really can make or break a song. Another example is Jennifer Lopez's 'Do It Well' music video. The first time I saw it I was thinking, "What the hell was that???!" Again, I learned to forgive Jennifer Lopez, well actually David LaChapelle, the director of the whole video. But for a while I didn't want to listen to the song just because the video destroyed my liking for the single.

Then there's those awesome music videos like Britney Spears' 'Me Against the Music' and Beyonce's 'Crazy In Love' that make me love the song even more than I did before I saw it. Of course, this all based on my personal opinion, but I do think music videos have a lot power to raise the song's popularity, but in many cases can work against it too.

I understand why some directors and producers have a hard time creating great music videos because they have to explain a story in 3-5 minutes. When they over think it too much, the video just turns into a disaster, but they do need to take great deal of consideration when creating the video as well. This is going back to JLo's 'Do It Well' video and I have to say that the video and song didn't match at all. She's singing about a man that can "Do it well," but in the video she's beating up people and rescuing a little boy in the club. David LaChapelle, you've totally lost me!

I think the best music videos are the ones that are simple with the artist singing with a little bit of the story put together in the background. Like Avril Lavigne's 'My Happy Ending.'

I guess I'm writing this post to warn artists and directors that there are picky fans like me that hate videos that don't do the song justice. Why make a disaster out of a great song?

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Breaking Into Hollywood - How Do I Sell My New Screenplay?

When new screenwriters finish their scripts, they often begin the search for a rep to submit the work around town. But is that the best way to do it? Well, sure! But it's not the ONLY way to do it.

As you prep to get your script sold, incorporate this info into your marketing strategy:


But only if you have a bona fide "in" to their direct office line! It's very difficult to get a lit agent to read a script for representation without a personal introduction by a repped client of theirs. If you know a screenwriter or other industry member with an agent who actually is getting scripts read by real studios and funders, and you have TWO solid scripts (more on that later), ask for an introduction. Give your contact a substantial gift whether you are signed or not!

Of course, it's not necessary to have a lit agent to shop a script. Make getting an agent only one part of a broader shopping strategy.


The main places you're trying to get your script to, production companies, studios and even top-five actors' shingles, are sometimes more accessible than lit agents. If you're not already, make sure you join professional writers' groups like ScreenplayLab and Scriptwriters' Network, and attend every possible event to make those contacts. There's a list of organizations to get you started at Movie in a Box - Links.

Again, the way to shop a script in our industry is to know someone. It's tough to open a new professional relationship by asking for the considerable favor of an agent referral, so try a strategy where you're offering something they could use in exchange for the introduction. And expect them to request to read your script first - and listen to their notes without argument.

Another credible outlet for getting your script noticed is via some of the online sites. If you're not already, make sure you're active at Inktip, for example. And be sure to explore the hundreds of screenplay competitions, like Scriptapalooza - but check first to see what success stories you can verify from their sites.


"QC" stands for "Quality Control." Do not ever submit a script that is not structurally sound, no matter how ready you are to stop looking at it! This is neither a judgment, an assumption, an insult or a joke. It truly is a requirement. I was a reader at one of the biggest prod cos in Los Angeles, I've had scripts optioned, I run a filmmaking seminar, I've taught at UCLA Ext, I've written a very popular screenwriting book. Please trust me on this. There are no second chances for first impressions in our industry. And it's not just your rep on the line, but also the rep of whoever opens that door for your submission.

Why "more than one script"? That is because if someone reads work of yours and thinks you have promise, their next request (to confirm the initial impression) is very often, "Can you send me another spec?" If you can't, that is by no means a dealbreaker. But if you CAN, and the second script is equally hot, that could be a dealmaker! The second script needs to be structurally sound, as well.

Be sure that your screenplays are structurally solid (on a first submission, nothing else will do! Trust me!). Be sure that an experienced Hollywood reader has read the script and you've addressed the notes. As I always say, "if the story does not fit, you must not submit!" If you submit a flawless first spec, you will never have to live up these standards again, but you should. If you submit a flawed first spec, you will not get the chance to live up to higher standards at that company; you will be blocked from future submissions.


If you find you are getting great feedback on your work, but it's never quite the right fit, consider producing the film yourself. This is a great approach when you have a lower-budget indie project (think "Open Water") versus an effects-laden thriller! It is an enormous undertaking to produce a film, but there are many resources out there for people who have compelling scripts to develop. And just as you studied and trained to write well, be sure to research and train extensively before taking on a massive project like producing a movie. Your first stop should be a professional organization like Film Independent (FIND), which can connect with you with terrific partners and/or mentors, as well as vital resources.

However, you decide to get your screenplay sold, it should be clear by now that you don't do it alone - you need community support and resources - and no one else does it for you - even an agent! It is no one's responsibility to open a door for you to sell a screenplay. It is your responsibility to create a tight script, research appropriate buyers, and relentlessly seek submission opportunities until someone buys - or you decide to produce your work yourself!

DMA is a former film story analyst, international runway model and stage performer who is now the executive producer of Tidal Wave TV, a new media and reality TV production company in Los Angeles. Learn more about how to sell a screenplay from her book, "The 1-3-5 Story Structure Made Simple System: The Nine Essential Elements of a Sellable Screenplay."

For DMA's national speaking schedule and more insider resources for breaking into Hollywood, please visit Planet DMA. It is our goal to mentor you through your career in the entertainment industry!


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Instantly Play 12 Guitar Chords by Learning Just One Movable Shape

Learning movable chord shapes is a fairly simple concept. Yet, they can dramatically increase the number of chords and therefore the number of songs at your disposal.

Like many guitar students, my beginner days were spent memorizing about 10 open chords. You know, the ones found at the first 4 frets at the far end of the guitar neck.

When I gradually learned to move smoothly from chord to chord a whole world of songs were suddenly at my fingertips. For the first time I felt like a real guitar player.

It had taken quite a while to memorize the open chords and I just could not imagine how anyone could learn and remember all the chords that reside at the other 18 or so frets on the neck. It just did not make much sense. There seemed to be no rhyme or reason for why certain notes were fingered on certain strings. Each and every chord just had to be memorized, or so I thought.

Learn To Play Barre Chords

One day my guitar teacher, Ms. Mosier, decided it was time for me to learn how to play barre chords. These chords required the index finger of my fretting hand to press down across all of the strings at a given fret all at once.

At first, my index finger ached and I had a difficult time getting all of the strings to produce a clean sound. Eventually my fingers became stronger and more importantly my technique improved to the point where I could consistently switch between different barre chords and produce a clean sound.

Learn to Move The Barre Chord Shapes

One day while practicing I felt like I was struck by lightening. I suddenly realized that if I played a G major Barre Chord at the third fret I could just slide my fingers up one fret while carefully maintaining the exact shape with my fingers and produce another major chord that was higher in pitch than the G major. It was a G# (sharp) Major.

I moved up another fret for the A major. Then the lights really came on. I could make one shape with my fingers, slide it up and down the guitar neck and produce at least 12 Major Chords.

Learn To Move Smoothly Between Companion Shapes

I can remember trying to play some simple chord progressions in an attempt to imitate some of my favorite rock songs from the radio. The theme song to the Beatles Sargent Pepper Album comes to mind. The problem, for my inexperienced hands, was in playing chords quickly and accurately that were somewhat far apart.

Again, my guitar teacher came to the rescue. She taught me another complimentary Major Chord shape that was barred at the same fret as the first. If both shapes were used together it would virtually shrink the guitar neck down to a much smaller and therefore more playable area.

For example, one Major Barre Chord shape at the 3rd fret will play a G Major. Another shape will play a C major Chord while barring the same fret. Using the same shape these chords are 5 frets apart. Using both companion shapes together puts them right on top of each other.

Tip: Companion shapes are also available for minor, major 7ths, minor 7ths just to name a few.

Great guitar players often make everything they play seem almost effortless. One major factor in their success comes from developing a large toolbox of tricks that make it possible for them to play as efficiently as possible. Follow their example and you will find that music that once seemed impossible will eventually become quite possible.

Learning movable barre chord companion shapes is one of these wonderfully efficient tricks for your toolbox. Each and every shape memorized will put an amazing 12 new chords within easy grasp.

For detailed steps to playing some of the common movable barre chord shapes and lots of other free guitar lessons, a free chord finder, an online guitar tuner and lots of detailed reviews of top video guitar lesson courses just follow this a link:


5 Tips to Get More Exposure For Your Music Online

Here are some really simple ways to increase your traffic significantly. Remember, if you don't market yourself, you are really doing a disservice to yourself. You are like an artist performing in the middle of a desolate desert! Someone might find you by accident, but what you need to do is build roads to yourself.


Posting samples of your music on can bring a lot of traffic to you. Pick an appropriate title for your video, and make sure you use lots of keywords so that people can find you. The people who find your videos will already be a part of your target audience, because they searched the words that brought up your video, or were watching similar videos. Always leave your page URL so that they may visit and listen to the rest of your music.

2. Post on Relevant Online Communities

You can get heard very easily by posting on music online communities, or forums. A lot of forums have sections dedicated to artist submissions and reviews. The reviews are usually blatantly honest as well, which is a plus because you can learn how to make your music better. Online communities are also a great way to build relationships with your clients and with other artists.

3. Free Giveaways

People are magnetized to free offerings. It might just be human nature - but use to your advantage! For example if you make hip hop or rap beats, and you occasionally give some out for free, people will come to your page and seize the opportunity. They may like your music and buy a track, or might just tell their friends to go check you out. You can also have a contest, for free apparel or gig tickets for example. The possibilities are endless.

4. Collaborate

Work with local artists or collaborate with someone online! Make sure they are good, and that they will showcase your work well. You can also extend this idea and play shows with similar bands or artists live (when you do perform, hand out something that has your website on so they can find you afterwards). Most serious artists are very happy to collaborate because of the mutual exposure.

5. Send Friend Requests to the Right People

Most applicable to MySpace - People get lazy, buy a friend blaster, and send requests to everyone!

Blind friend blasting is problematic because you may never find your target audience. You may also have thousands of bots added, which will spam all over your page! make sure you add wisely and add the right people. When you find your audience, they will find you. Another reason to make sure you are adding humans because humans are able to promote you by word of mouth!

I hope this article helps you promote your music pages!

The End

If you want to read similar articles, or learn how to use fruity loops, visit my site: Hip Hop tutorial FL Studio Tutorials


Owen Wilson - Suicide, Depression & Anti-Depressants

As a minister and life purpose coach dealing intimately with people and their inner issues, I've seen and heard a lot. Most importantly, I've experienced suicidal tendencies and depression in my own life. At the age of 12 years old, I was so miserable and demoralized living with my step-mom far out in the country away from all my friends, I also contemplated killing myself.

Later as an adult when after 5 years of marriage, my ex-wife told me she had been having an affair and cheating on me, I experienced my own ground zero. Processing my pain and turning the mess into a message by way of a book that equally wrote me, I learned how to engineer a Breakthrough for a Broken Heart.

Based on what I've read about Owen, a wonderful soul whom the world loves, here are my heartfelt recommendations.

1. Get off the anti-depressants. These drugs, as the British Medical Journal studies have shown, double the likelihood of attempted suicide. Unrest, extreme agitation, turmoil, and murder have been linked to these drugs.

- The VT Tech killer Cho Seung Hui was taking anti-psychotic meds when he murdered 32 people.

- A 15-year-old Kip Kinkel on prozac killed his own parents and opened fire on students at school.

- 18-year-old Eric Harris was on the antidepressant Luvox when he and his partner Dylan Klebold killed 12 classmates and a teacher before taking his own life. The coroner confirmed that the antidepressant was in his system through toxicology (April 20, 1999 - Columbine, CO).

- 15-year-old T.J. Solomon was being treated with a mix of antidepressants when he opened fire on and wounded six of his classmates (May 20, 1999).

The FDA and the drug companies funding it need to be punished for punitive damages for dolling out these destructive drugs to depressed individuals. These drugs only perpetuate and worsen the problem, while profiting the pharmaceutical companies and FDA.

Find other ways to resolve inner issues, rather than becoming suicidal or being turned into a psychotic killer.

Owen is such a lovable guy. Who knows? Maybe these anti-depressants made him angry and even want to harm Kate the object of his love--which he may have tried to kill himself to avoid doing. The negative effects of mind and mood altering drugs torment even the sincerest of souls into insanity.

2. Find inner balance and harmony with your past and present.

Owen's strict upbringing throughout his childhood caused him to a bit compliant, perhaps resentfully so. As an adult Owen broke out and sought to express his freedom, but in so doing developed a dark side becoming to some "the ultimate bad boy" and womanizer. Owen always said to himself he'd be married by 30-years-of-age and starting his family. His bad boy days however have got the best of him and extended longer than he expected. Now Owen must become congruent, pinpoint his passion, and fight for his focus. As Owen's identity comes back into alignment with his true inner desires, his destiny will begin to unfold and be joyfully realized.

3. Upgrade your friendships pursuant to your desirable future.

Show me your friends and I will show you your future. Bad company corrupts good morals and communication (1 Corinthians 15:33). From the overflow of the heart comes the words of the mouth. Detect a dirty dog by the devilish dialogue proceeding from their lips. Owen's got a wonderful family who loves him, a dear friend in Woody Harrelson, and (according to Courtney Love) a dangerous source of temptation in fellow drug user Steve Coogan.

Jesus loves everybody unconditionally, but on earth He never spent a great deal of time being negatively influenced by people who weren't going anywhere with their lives. Owen can be an eagle, chicken, or a buzzard. Misery certainly loves company, but eagles know how to fly and say bye.

4. Cultivate good behavior which precede and give birth to good feelings.

Everybody wants to feel good, but for some reason we forget that self-esteem must be developed by reason of our everyday lives. Your daily routine reveals the true you. Owen's a great actor, but inside he's aware of his demons and struggles with which he battles.

I'm not throwing stones here, but merely taking a reality check. Owen got involved with Kate while she was still legally married to her singer husband Chris Robinson. Owen later got a taste of his own medicine when Kate broke his heart in like fashion when she got involved with Dax Shepard. What comes around goes around. Truly we do eventually reap what we sow. If someone sins with you, they shall surely eventually sin against you. Owen therefore should beware of getting involved with married women and pursue healthy relationships in purity so as to ensure longevity.

5. Live and love fearlessly.

Owen's professional pursuits have handsomely paid off for him making him a movie star. To make it in Hollywood you have to endure a lot of rejection in the beginning. Love and relationships requires no less vulnerability, transparency, and honesty. Owen's fear of failure has seemingly repeatedly sabotaged his relationships and left him wanting in the end. It's time Owen becomes certain and committed to what he wants in life and removes any distractions detouring him from dream fulfillment.

Women want stability, security, and tranquility. Owen must determine what he wants and make some adult choices based on what he values most--hanging with the bad boys or establishing a loving and meaningful relationship. Owen must make some gutsy decisions and sacrifices to get what he really wants in life.

6. Connect with the Creator and experience a new beginning.

Owen has popped into a couple churches seeking God's touch and intervention in his life. As Owen presses past his flesh and begins feeding his spirit within, this man will be mightily strengthened to transcend every limitation and arise a new man. God Almighty can transform Owen in the twinkling of an eye and wipe every tear from his eye. As Owen pours His heart out to God and befriends His Creator, there is nothing he cannot conquer and accomplish. The Father in heaven will freely forgive Owen, give him another chance, and take him on an adventurous divine romance.

7. Seek a new spiritual dynamic and expect the miraculous to flow forth.

Owen went to his home in Maui, Hawaii desiring an intervention and pursuing a personal breakthrough. Seemingly nothing came through. I however believe God is getting ready to move! My dear friend and fellow minister who also moves in the miraculous, Rich Vera lives and ministers in Maui (residing in Kehei). A MTV reality show surfer recently visited Rich during one of his meetings and was mightily touched by God and transformed. I am expecting the same for Owen.

Beyond dead religion, Owen needs to connect with the Creator of heaven. Therein he shall find love and newness of life, which shall promptly put an end to the inner restlessness and strife.

My prayers, love, and support is with Owen Wilson and his family.

Paul Davis is a life purpose coach, worldwide minister, change master, and turnaround specialist.

A highly sought after professional speaker, Paul is the author of several books including Breakthrough for a Broken Heart; Adultery: 101 Reasons Not to Cheat; Are You Ready for True Love; Stop Lusting & Start Living; Waves of God; Supernatural Fire; Poems that Propel the Planet; and God vs. Religion.

Paul's compassion for people & passion to travel has taken him to over 50 countries of the world where he has had a tremendous impact. His organization Dream-Maker Ministries builds dreams, breaks limitations & revives nations.

Paul inspires, revives, awakens, impregnates with purpose, imparts the fire of desire, catapults people into a new level of self-awareness, facilitating destiny discovery and dream fulfillment.

Contact Paul to minister, speak at your event, or for life coaching:

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