As a minister and life purpose coach dealing intimately with people and their inner issues, I've seen and heard a lot. Most importantly, I've experienced suicidal tendencies and depression in my own life. At the age of 12 years old, I was so miserable and demoralized living with my step-mom far out in the country away from all my friends, I also contemplated killing myself.
Later as an adult when after 5 years of marriage, my ex-wife told me she had been having an affair and cheating on me, I experienced my own ground zero. Processing my pain and turning the mess into a message by way of a book that equally wrote me, I learned how to engineer a Breakthrough for a Broken Heart.
Based on what I've read about Owen, a wonderful soul whom the world loves, here are my heartfelt recommendations.
1. Get off the anti-depressants. These drugs, as the British Medical Journal studies have shown, double the likelihood of attempted suicide. Unrest, extreme agitation, turmoil, and murder have been linked to these drugs.
- The VT Tech killer Cho Seung Hui was taking anti-psychotic meds when he murdered 32 people.
- A 15-year-old Kip Kinkel on prozac killed his own parents and opened fire on students at school.
- 18-year-old Eric Harris was on the antidepressant Luvox when he and his partner Dylan Klebold killed 12 classmates and a teacher before taking his own life. The coroner confirmed that the antidepressant was in his system through toxicology (April 20, 1999 - Columbine, CO).
- 15-year-old T.J. Solomon was being treated with a mix of antidepressants when he opened fire on and wounded six of his classmates (May 20, 1999).
The FDA and the drug companies funding it need to be punished for punitive damages for dolling out these destructive drugs to depressed individuals. These drugs only perpetuate and worsen the problem, while profiting the pharmaceutical companies and FDA.
Find other ways to resolve inner issues, rather than becoming suicidal or being turned into a psychotic killer.
Owen is such a lovable guy. Who knows? Maybe these anti-depressants made him angry and even want to harm Kate the object of his love--which he may have tried to kill himself to avoid doing. The negative effects of mind and mood altering drugs torment even the sincerest of souls into insanity.
2. Find inner balance and harmony with your past and present.
Owen's strict upbringing throughout his childhood caused him to a bit compliant, perhaps resentfully so. As an adult Owen broke out and sought to express his freedom, but in so doing developed a dark side becoming to some "the ultimate bad boy" and womanizer. Owen always said to himself he'd be married by 30-years-of-age and starting his family. His bad boy days however have got the best of him and extended longer than he expected. Now Owen must become congruent, pinpoint his passion, and fight for his focus. As Owen's identity comes back into alignment with his true inner desires, his destiny will begin to unfold and be joyfully realized.
3. Upgrade your friendships pursuant to your desirable future.
Show me your friends and I will show you your future. Bad company corrupts good morals and communication (1 Corinthians 15:33). From the overflow of the heart comes the words of the mouth. Detect a dirty dog by the devilish dialogue proceeding from their lips. Owen's got a wonderful family who loves him, a dear friend in Woody Harrelson, and (according to Courtney Love) a dangerous source of temptation in fellow drug user Steve Coogan.
Jesus loves everybody unconditionally, but on earth He never spent a great deal of time being negatively influenced by people who weren't going anywhere with their lives. Owen can be an eagle, chicken, or a buzzard. Misery certainly loves company, but eagles know how to fly and say bye.
4. Cultivate good behavior which precede and give birth to good feelings.
Everybody wants to feel good, but for some reason we forget that self-esteem must be developed by reason of our everyday lives. Your daily routine reveals the true you. Owen's a great actor, but inside he's aware of his demons and struggles with which he battles.
I'm not throwing stones here, but merely taking a reality check. Owen got involved with Kate while she was still legally married to her singer husband Chris Robinson. Owen later got a taste of his own medicine when Kate broke his heart in like fashion when she got involved with Dax Shepard. What comes around goes around. Truly we do eventually reap what we sow. If someone sins with you, they shall surely eventually sin against you. Owen therefore should beware of getting involved with married women and pursue healthy relationships in purity so as to ensure longevity.
5. Live and love fearlessly.
Owen's professional pursuits have handsomely paid off for him making him a movie star. To make it in Hollywood you have to endure a lot of rejection in the beginning. Love and relationships requires no less vulnerability, transparency, and honesty. Owen's fear of failure has seemingly repeatedly sabotaged his relationships and left him wanting in the end. It's time Owen becomes certain and committed to what he wants in life and removes any distractions detouring him from dream fulfillment.
Women want stability, security, and tranquility. Owen must determine what he wants and make some adult choices based on what he values most--hanging with the bad boys or establishing a loving and meaningful relationship. Owen must make some gutsy decisions and sacrifices to get what he really wants in life.
6. Connect with the Creator and experience a new beginning.
Owen has popped into a couple churches seeking God's touch and intervention in his life. As Owen presses past his flesh and begins feeding his spirit within, this man will be mightily strengthened to transcend every limitation and arise a new man. God Almighty can transform Owen in the twinkling of an eye and wipe every tear from his eye. As Owen pours His heart out to God and befriends His Creator, there is nothing he cannot conquer and accomplish. The Father in heaven will freely forgive Owen, give him another chance, and take him on an adventurous divine romance.
7. Seek a new spiritual dynamic and expect the miraculous to flow forth.
Owen went to his home in Maui, Hawaii desiring an intervention and pursuing a personal breakthrough. Seemingly nothing came through. I however believe God is getting ready to move! My dear friend and fellow minister who also moves in the miraculous, Rich Vera lives and ministers in Maui (residing in Kehei). A MTV reality show surfer recently visited Rich during one of his meetings and was mightily touched by God and transformed. I am expecting the same for Owen.
Beyond dead religion, Owen needs to connect with the Creator of heaven. Therein he shall find love and newness of life, which shall promptly put an end to the inner restlessness and strife.
My prayers, love, and support is with Owen Wilson and his family.
Paul Davis is a life purpose coach, worldwide minister, change master, and turnaround specialist.
A highly sought after professional speaker, Paul is the author of several books including Breakthrough for a Broken Heart; Adultery: 101 Reasons Not to Cheat; Are You Ready for True Love; Stop Lusting & Start Living; Waves of God; Supernatural Fire; Poems that Propel the Planet; and God vs. Religion.
Paul's compassion for people & passion to travel has taken him to over 50 countries of the world where he has had a tremendous impact. His organization Dream-Maker Ministries builds dreams, breaks limitations & revives nations.
Paul inspires, revives, awakens, impregnates with purpose, imparts the fire of desire, catapults people into a new level of self-awareness, facilitating destiny discovery and dream fulfillment.
Contact Paul to minister, speak at your event, or for life coaching: