Tuesday, August 19, 2008 

New Evidence That Has Transformed The Bizarre Case Of Captain William Morgan

The kidnapping and presumed murder of Captain William Morgan in New York in 1826 has been the subject of much speculation about whom, how, and why the events unfolded. Public protests abounded at his abduction, and rumors of his failed attempts to become a Mason and his threats to publish a book of Masonic secrets surrounded the kidnapping. A new political party was even born from this event, an anti-Masonic movement.

Batavia, New York, in the northwestern section of the State of New York, was the location for the chain of events that led to the disappearance of Captain William Morgan. In 1826, a petition was initiated to start a Masonic chapter in Batavia. William Morgan's name was not on the original petition and, apparently, it should have been. The next day, Captain Morgan was given the approval to add his name to the list. Rumor has it that Captain Morgan was quite an indulger of the drink. While he was on one of his drunken binges, the petition was destroyed - by whom is not known - and another petition circulated without his name on it. It was after this that Captain Morgan began telling people he was going to publish a book revealing Masonic secrets.

Much rumor circulates around the case and the fact is that there is no proof that he was actually murdered.

New evidence was presented in 1848 and 1882, and came in the form of two death-bed confessions. The first confession was from Henry L. Valance who told his physician, Dr. John L. Emery, that he had experienced no peace since that terrible night he took part in the murder of Captain William Morgan. According to Dr. Emery's notes, Valance confessed to drowning Morgan in the Niagara River.

The second confession came from Mr. Thurlow Weed, a man seemingly planted in the middle of the entire Morgan Affair, as it is commonly referred to. Weed stated, on his deathbed, that John Whitney, who was convicted on a charge of conspiracy related to Morgan's disappearance, told Weed all the gruesome details of what happened to Captain Morgan. Weed said Whitney told him that five men, of which Whitney was one, bound Morgan with chains and dumped him in the middle of the river. John Whitney denied any truth in Weed's statement.

There were also rumors that Morgan was taken and questioned by Freemasons, but then released. He was given a choice of a moving to Canada or $500 in gold and a horse. One account has Morgan taking the gold and the horse, and moving to Boston, Massachusetts. Different people reported sightings of Morgan in Boston in 1827.

It was also reported that Morgan sailed to Smyrnia (located today in the country of Turkey) aboard a ship. In 1875, a man by the name of Captain Samuel Masters wrote a letter stating that he believed he saw Captain Morgan in Smyrnia in 1830.

Another story came about from correspondence in 1950 between Grand Master Morgan J. Smead, Grand Lodge of Michigan, and William Morgan's great-granddaughter's husband, I. Dwight Hunter. This correspondence, which was found among some papers at the Bentley Historical Library in Ann Arbor, at the University of Michigan, claims to establish that Captain Morgan was not murdered. In fact, these letters claim that Captain Morgan died at the age of 89 in Honduras in the mid-1860s.

However, no one has been able to physically prove or disprove these theories and claims with any positive certainty. To learn more new evidence surrounding "The Strange Disappearance of Captain William Morgan," visit http://www.ad-hoc-productions.com

Michael Keene of Ad-Hoc Productions is the producer of "Visions" - True Stories of the Supernatural.


Is Email Marketing Dead How To Get More Responsive Subscribers

Ask any internet marketer if they wonder sometimes if their emails are getting through to people, and most will answer Yes to that.

In my personal opinion, the advent of 7 Dollar Offers has changed the Internet Marketing world because the same quality ebooks are being delivered for a fraction of the price. Therefore email marketing comes down to the price of your product now.

People are getting your emails, but once they see you're not selling anything that is less than 27 or 37 dollars, they wait.... They people on the other end of your email marketing campaigns are waiting,for the

To me it seems that the only real money to be made as an internet entrepreneur is to have a list of 50 thousand people and have just a small majority of them buying ebooks for 7 dollars.

Another way to make money with a "make money online" crowd is to have high-end products for sale, like a marketing course or a seminar seat to sell. Online seminars seem to be a good way the big dogs are making their money. After all, the people that have money already are the ones who can afford these seminars.

Most of the internet big shots and gurus are into profitable niches and markets, and not focused on just the "make money online" crowd.

Is email marketing dead? No, but it's getting harder to get through to the people trying to make money online in Internet Marketing. The offers are getting better, the software is improving,and this still doesn't help much.

The bigger and better offers are making it easier to make money online, but it makes people even lazier than before. Email marketing is not dead, by response rates are way down.

How can the average internet marketer overcome the email marketing issues that they face?

Loyalty... Make sure you care about the information products you recommend, and make sure you care about the people you recommend products to. Free reports help build loyalty, and there is one secret that can make your response rates soar, and make your open rates soar, too

You can read all of Daniel McGonagle's articles at http://firsthandreviews.com He is the creator of the IM TOOLKIT http://yourimtoolkit.com and The Top 10 Mistakes People Make in Internet Marketing free report


Top 2 Ways to Learn How to Mig Weld - Even Monkeys Are Learning How to Weld

Want to learn how to mig weld?

Great! Mig welding is easy! Just ask anybody... you can teach a monkey to mig weld, Right?! All you need to know is pull the trigger and hold on... oh yeah?

It aint that easy to mig weld... but there is good news: it aint rocket science either.

I have two recommendations for learning how to mig weld:

Method number 1 to learn how to mig weld:

1. buy machine

2. get scrap metal

3. learn fundamentals

4. follow directions

5. practice

6. write down what works and keep notes in pouch on machine.

Method number 2 to learn how to mig weld:

1. Attend a mig welding class at Technical College and use their machines, metal, gas, and other expensive stuff that you would scrimp on if you had to buy it yourself. Pick the instructors brain for every welding tip you can get. Really apply yourself and listen to every word he or she says. (that's right, there are some pretty good chick welding instructors out there)

2. If you still want to ...buy a machine. You will probably make a better decision after weeks of welding and learning.

If you decide to go with method number one, the first thing you need is a good machine. What's a good machine? I like Miller welding machines. Why? Several reasons: made in USA, service and support are great, great resale value, parts are available, they are damn good machines.

Now there is always an exception to every rule so listen up!

Lincoln makes a good 115 volt mig machine. Even though I am a Miller guy, I have to be honest...I am probably going to buy one soon myself. And when I do, I will search eBay and craigslist for a Lincoln 115v mig welder.

If you are going to be welding mostly body panels on cars, or gas tanks for choppers, buy a 115v machine. 115 volt mig welding machines run small diameter wire like .023" and run smoother at low amperage than the bigger heavy duty machines like the millermatic 250. So if you need a 115 volt mig welding machine I will give you permission to buy a Lincoln. Either way, buy used from eBay or Craigslist if you can. Here's why... first of all, 115 volt mig machines are kind of like bowflex fitness machines, nobody wears them out, and used ones are just as good as new ones. You can buy a used Lincoln mig for 200 bucks, use it for 4 years and sell it for 200 bucks. Sounds pretty good doesn't it? Same goes for the bigger 230v machines. Buy a used millermatic 180, 250, 251, or 252, for 600-800 bucks, use it for several years and if you want to sell it you can easily break even or even make a few bucks..or to keep things simple, just get a millermatic 250 and call it a day.

Jody Collier's Welding tips and tricks Website is full of Down and Dirty welding tips. For TIG, MIG, STICK and a buttload of other welding information, visit http://www.weldingtipsandtricks.com/


How To Conduct Instant Criminal Background Check In El Paso Colorado

If you want to do a very quick criminal background check in El Paso Colorado, you can visit the county website. There are online services on the website that enable you to lookup information like public records, sex offender record as well as inmates' record. However, since the services are free, there is only so much you can find out. To conduct a comprehensive criminal background check in El Paso Colorado, these data are hardly enough.

Let's look at what goes into a complete criminal background check in El Paso Colorado.

Firstly, if you happen to have information on the subject to be screened like Social Security Number, it is a good idea to do a Social Security Number or SSN check. The check will reveal information like name, aliases, current address, phone number, address history and date of issue of SSN. The aliases is useful in looking for more information on the subject should it be used in certain situations like crime investigation. Data gathered from this check will also help to verify the integrity of information given by the subject in the even that he or she is applying for a job.

Next thing will be to go into more detailed screening like the criminal history records. This search will show all the felonies and misdemeanor committed by the subject should they exist. However, for criminal background check in El Paso Colorado to be complete, criminal history record alone is not enough. This is because those records will only list down offenders who were charged and convicted but not those with outstanding warrants. Therefore it has to be supplemented with warrant records. Court records will enhance the criminal screening by providing details of court hearings involving the subject. Last by not least is the sex offender record to verify whether the subject has any history of sexual abuse.

It is important to note that some offenders travel from state to state or resides in different county within a state. Therefore, it is advisable to search for these records both within the state as well as nationwide.

Gathering all these information from different sources can be a very time consuming and frustrating process. Fortunately, there are online databases that provide one-stop service to conduct criminal background check in El Paso Colorado. You will be able to find all the information mentioned plus other valuable data like bankruptcy record, credit report as well as business and property record on an individual.

George Tho is a webmaster and advisor on investigative services. Read his review on a one-stop service for you to conduct criminal background check in El Paso Colorado here.

This article is the property of George Tho. It may be republished over the net but links and content must remain unchanged. http://www.ClickbankProductReview.com is an independent internet industry and is not associated with any national or state government or government department. Advice is given as general advice and no liabilities accepted in relation to the provision of this information.


What is Web 2.0?

I do not know what Web 2.0 means. Some say it's merely a buzzword used by new Internet start-ups, powered by venture capitalism, as a way to generate hype; some say it's a new style of design; some say it's the new style of web development, i.e. Ajax and Ruby on Rails; and some say it's simply the next step towards a Semantic Web. I doubt there'll ever be consensus until what Web 2.0 is until is is was.

This matter came back up after I proposed various web design/web dev blogs leaving the 9rules Web++ community. Many web designers and web developers disliked this proposal, as Web 2.0 (or in 9rules l33t speak Web++) is also a style of design and development.

O'Reilly and MediaLive originally coined the term Web 2.0, and they too shared my concern over the non-defintitive definition.

There isn't a line as to what is Web 2.0 and what isn't. This makes categorising blogs awkward. If a blog is about nice rounded corner effects: is it about Web 2.0? If a blog is about new start-ups: is it about Web 2.0? If a blog is about Ruby development: is it about Web 2.0? For the first and last I would categorise them as design and development, respectively, but I'm fairly sure that designers and developers, respectively, would also categorise themselves as Web 2.0.

Then again, does a line need to be drawn? Perhaps Web 2.0 is the balance between design, development and business. But is Venture Capital and Web 2.0 the same thing? Nope, but they are linked.

Perhaps 9rules needs more communities. So as well as business you have venture capitalism; instead of design you could have web design and graphic design; instead of programming you could have software development and web development; and instead of Web++ you could have WebApps (and then split the remainder between web design and web development).

I think by the time the web20osphere decides what Web 2.0 is; the web30osphere2.0 will be trying to decide what Web 3.5 is.

Joe Anderson is the blogger at Webby's World


How to Identify Internet Marketing Scams

Internet marketing is an excellent way to make money using the Internet. It is growing more and more all the time as people are realizing all the benefits it has to offer. Due to this fact Internet marketing scams are also growing. Therefore, it is your own responsible to make sure you don't get caught up in these scams. Many of them appear to be legitimate business opportunities that sound great in the beginning but, in the end they are can cost you a lot of money. You need to be aware of the fact that these scams are real and you need to know how to spot them.

You need to start out by learning the characteristics of scams so you know what to look for. Here are a few examples of things that should alert you that something is not exactly right. If a company is in the marketing business they should have products or services for sale. If they do not have a product or if it is unclear what products they have, then you should be aware that it may be a scam. If a marketing company does not have a website this should be a dead give away something is wrong.

Even when there is a website you need to look it over. The website should provide you with detailed information about the company and what they have to offer you. There should also be a way for you to contact the company. Most will use email as a form of communication or they will have a contact form for you to fill out. It is an even better sign if they provide a phone number that you can call. If there is no legitimate way for you to reach the company, then you should probably avoid it, as most likely it is a scam.

Another big give-a-way for scams is the fact that an affiliate program will not charge you to sell their products. Therefore, if they are asking you for money, then it may be cause for concern. There should be testimonials and references that the company can provide you with. Always keep in mind that Internet marketing scams change as quickly as technology so, you have to always be alert. Even though there are a lot of scams going around Internet marketing websites are still a great way to make money online. Just be careful and learn how to identify scams and you will be on your way to making a profit.

Want to know more on how to spot the internet marketing and affiliate marketing scams that is floating the web today? Go to our site now and learn how to not fall into the hand of the scammers. We also got information on mlm scams if you are an mlm'er

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